Some products are destined to change our habits, like Svelto Easy: an innovative product that combines the raphia, which is already versatile and easy to use, with the practicality of an automatic ribbon. As you can see in the tutorial made by Bolis S.p.a. (always searching for new solutions to revolutionise the world of wrapping), it takes just a few seconds to make a wonderful ribbon. What’s surprising is the really natural effect and its versatility, which make it suitable for any package. The actual innovation is that it always maintains its shape, it doesn’t get ruined by flattening it or treating it carelessly, as it happens with other ribbons. So it’s fitting for packages that have to be carried in a suitcase. As it says in the name, the ribbon is ready in an instant! Also, the packaging is handy and small. It can be kept in a drawer or piled with some paper, without the risk of ruining it like traditional ribbons. It’s a new product and therefore you’ll surprise the recipients of your gifts with something they’ve never seen before. Remember that the attention to wrapping makes the gift inside all the more special.